Many people define success in a variety of ways. For some, it might mean winning a marathon, for others, it could be achieving a goal at work or having a child go to college. But one common definition of success is financial wealth – having a steady source of income and acquiring a stable lifestyle. In fact, more than half of Americans say having money is what propels their success.
Whether you’re an organization that seeks to showcase your projects and interventions or a non-profit that wants to relate the positive impact on beneficiaries, it is important to have resources that show how you’ve succeeded. These resources can be in the form of effective marketing brochures or a website, but they can also be in the form of a success story.
A success story is an account of the process through which your project and intervention achieved its goals, and in turn, improved the lives of individuals or communities. It can be a powerful way to showcase your organization and earn the trust of partners and funders. While there are many ways to write a success story, it is crucial to keep in mind that each success story should be tailored to the peculiarity of your project or organization.
To start, consider the audience of your article. Asking questions such as what is the average age of your audience, where are they located in the world and what do they want to know about your topic will give you insight on how best to format and present your news. Additionally, make sure to use credible sources and cite them in your article. It is also important to double-check your facts and statistics to ensure they’re accurate.
A great way to capture readers’ attention is to include a statistic or an impressive number in your headline. This will instantly grab readers’ attention and encourage them to read your article. For example, “A new way to predict your health risks.” This is an interesting statistic that provides useful information for readers, and it’s presented in a straightforward, clear manner.
If you’re looking to increase the readability of your article, use short sentences and paragraphs. This will help keep your article easy to digest, and it will also prevent the reader from getting distracted. In addition, avoid using too much jargon or complicated vocabulary in your article. While this might sound like a no-brainer, it’s important to remember that your article is for a general audience, so you should write in a language they can understand.
Lastly, use imagery to add interest and visual appeal to your article. Adding images will draw the reader’s attention, and they can also be helpful in conveying a message. For instance, a successful story that features a company that has increased production using advanced technology can be illustrated by showing the percentage and number of tons of increases made.