Technology and Society

Technology, also called the technology, is the application of scientific information to the practical ends of human life, or, more specifically, to the technological change and manipulation of that environment. The discipline of technology studies is usually treated in several essays. The most common theme of these is the history of technology, which goes back to the ancient civilization of mankind. Ancient societies such as the Indus Valley People of the early 1900s are an important part of the study of technology.


Technological change is a very broad topic, covering all sorts of different things. The scope of modern technology is constantly expanding, with new forms and applications coming into being on a daily basis. The society of today is largely dependent on technology for day to day activities. Some topics of technological change that are of great interest include computers, telecommunications and transportation. In this paper we will briefly examine some aspects of technology.

Technology is affected by social practices. A society’s level of technological organization varies significantly, ranging from the highly technical societies of developed countries to highly dependent, less developed countries. One important element of technology change is its effect on science and technology. The rapid spread of information technology to almost all areas of life has raised concerns about the validity of scientific truth. Some scholars have concluded that technology has had a relatively unblemished record when it comes to affecting science. While technology may not have had a hand in changing the course of science, it has certainly influenced how scientists interpret their results and methods of data collection.

Technological change is also a process, and the changes that take place in one technological sphere tend to have an impact on others. This is particularly true when it comes to communication. Communication technologies have both increased and decreased in efficiency and extent over time, thus affecting society in general. Society’s dependence on technology, therefore, tends to be cyclical.

Changes in society and its structure have also been linked to specific technological developments. Technology has, for example, made possible the development of cities, through their development of public transportation systems and infrastructure. Urbanization, in general, has brought with it greater levels of technological organization and a corresponding increase in social organization and interaction. The increasing interdependence of people has increased the need for technological systems that can facilitate communication and facilitate social interaction.

The effects of technology on society have been discussed at length by sociologists and psychologists. Much research has been done on how technology influences specific aspects of society, including gender relations, technical skill, educational opportunities, work relations, technological unemployment, and even political representation. The present writer is only aware of two books that address this important subject, both of which are highly recommended sources for further study of this complex phenomenon. In addition, many other works have also explored the relationship between technology and society. Technology and Society: The Social Consequences of Technology, edited by Alan S. Goad and Michael J. Schloss, provides an excellent summary of research on the impact of technology on society.