Movie Production


Movie Production

A movie, also known as a motion picture, movie trailer or video, is an animated work of video art often intended to simulate actual experiences which convey messages, stories, emotions, impressions, beauty, or ambiance through the utilization of moving images. Movie trailers, when properly created and managed, are highly persuasive in their aesthetic and emotional impact. This makes them very effective for conveying any type of advertising message because the viewer immediately identifies with the depicted experience and attaches a meaning to it based on what he or she has seen in the movie. Viewers do not just sit and look at the movie like a painting instead, they analyze it, analyze the plot and story, compare it to other works of art, consider how well the actors or actresses have performed, take time out to discuss the meaning of the movie, talk about the cinematography or the special effects and most importantly, think about how much they have enjoyed the movie overall. Movie trailers also serve as the perfect vehicle for an advertiser to introduce his or her product or service to the consuming public.

The creation of movies has been a long ongoing practice going back to the 15th century when movable type of presentation was invented to represent events in real time. Movies today have progressed tremendously from the early days of filmed motion pictures. Technological advancements and advances in camera and video technology have allowed for movies to be shot in high definition, produce superb audio and have fully electronic sound effects. Movies can be shown across several different types of media including live action, comedy, dramas, cartoons, horror films and other forms of entertainment. The success of movies in bringing individuals together has led to multi-million production and distribution deals. Movies today tell stories in the form of fiction, documentary, non-fiction, family shows, kids’ movies, horror films and thriller movies.

Although the concept of creating a movie has been around for centuries, it was in 1890s when the first motion picture theater was established in New York City. Since then there have been many changes and developments to the industry. The advent of VHS changed the way movies would be produced and introduced to the public. Since then there have been many advancements and innovations to filmmaking that has helped make movies available to millions of people around the world.

There are many ways that movies can be made. The most common method of filmmaking includes shooting a movie on a sound stage, which is referred to as a movie set. Modern movie technology has made possible the creation of elaborate studios that create movies on location, which is known as reality television. Reality television programming is the most popular and profitable form of movies today. Other types of movies include animated films, music videos, science fiction, fantasy films and Hollywood blockbusters.

Many movies are produced during the production stage and later shown in movie houses. Some films make their way straight to video stores and are viewed by audiences around the world. There are also pre-production and production houses where movies are filmed either before they are actually shown in a movie house or during the production process. Studios such as Dreamworks produce some of the most popular and successful films in the world. Pre-production and production movies tell stories behind the scenes that are only told to audiences if the movie is shown in the movies.

Movie producers and writers spend months creating the script for a feature film. Feature film makers then go about assembling a cast and crew to complete filming on location. When a movie is completed, it goes through various post-production stages including editing, special FX (lighting, sound, photography), and marketing. Once the movie is completed, it will be sent to a distributor for payment and marketing. Most movies take between five and eight weeks from start to finish while some can take as long as twelve months.