How Technology Affects Our Daily Lives


Technology is the application of knowledge in various fields. It can be reproduced and the results of such endeavors are often used in daily life. As such, technology is omnipresent in the world. The technology of today is evident in a wide variety of fields and applications. From medical devices to automobiles, technology has affected almost every aspect of our lives.

The word technology is derived from two Greek words, techne and logos. The term techne means “art” or “craft,” while logos means “word.” Hence, technology is a branch of science that involves the systematic application of knowledge. Technology is applied to solve practical problems and achieve valued goals. There are both ancient and modern technologies in this broad category. For example, medical technology is a form of technology that uses medical knowledge to help patients.

Technological advancements have deep social implications and affect human welfare. Some new technologies have the potential to disrupt social hierarchies. Others can harm individuals or groups. Since the 1970s, new technologies have been subject to criticism for their negative effects on society and the environment. These concerns have led to a surge of investments in clean energy.

Technology also affects the workplace and the life of individuals. For example, technology is increasingly used in healthcare. For example, implanted devices provide better monitoring capabilities than ever before. And GPS (Global Positioning System) can pinpoint locations on the earth from satellites in orbit. Its many uses include real-time directions, monitoring the transit of different objects, and recording precise time measurements.

As new technologies become available, people are needed to develop them. They require materials and tools, as well as the know-how and skills to operate them. Resources are also needed to maintain and repair the technology. These processes are costly. Additionally, when new technology becomes obsolete, they need to be replaced. This impacts people’s jobs and the lives of the people who depend on it.

Technology can make life easier for people. It helps businesses automate tasks, which in turn increases their production. For example, a bakery could have a computer program that automatically keeps the temperature room temperature at the appropriate level. However, in some cases, it can be distracting. Many students use their mobile phones for entertainment purposes in the classroom. This can affect the quality of the work produced. If a student is constantly using their cell phone to browse the internet, they are less likely to focus on the task at hand.

Technology has affected almost every facet of our lives and the way we interact with each other. Its ubiquity makes it crucial to be knowledgeable about it.