A movie, also known as a movie trailer, short film, or video film, is a low-budget, independent movie made for specific purposes, usually for digital distribution. A movie is also referred to as a feature-length film, and can contain only about 60 minutes of footage. Movies are generally shot on a small budget, with each scene being planned and completed in a single day. Many movies are shot on the sound stage of a sound studio or on a sound stage set, while others are shot on location using green screen. The main characters in a movie are usually actors, musicians or models, while the background scenery is set in a location such as a restaurant, movie theater, street, hotel room, etc.
The movie would then be shown in a movie house or movie theater, either by the owner of the movie or by a distributor. Most movie houses show movies at specific times of the week. Movie distributors own or rent out a variety of theaters, known as “theaters.” Most movie theaters contain a theme deck, which contains movie-related items, such as mementos of the cast and crew, posters of the movie itself, and other themed items.
Theater owners collect items from their theme decks to create theme nights. Theaters often host theme nights such as “Disco Demolition” and “The Cherry Game.” Theme decks can include all kinds of things, such as cars, cakes, clocks, sports, and more. Theaters can even host cocktail parties and costume parties where guests dress up to match themes. Suzie would be the perfect hostess for such a party.
Today, it seems that theme decks are increasingly popular in both the public and private sectors. Corporate parties, family reunions, and even birthday celebrations have become centered around specific themes. The idea of an American theme night is not new. In fact, the birth of the movie industry itself may owe much to the birth of the theme deck.
The popularity of movie themes changed drastically during the early part of the 20th century. The First World War led to a cultural devaluation of themes in American life, including patriotic symbols and icons. Many Americans were not particularly interested in movie plots and story lines in the early parts of the 20th century, and when movies did get produced, they were generally directed by white men who preferred to make war films rather than comedies.
Film directors were forced to change the focus of their work. As Hollywood became populated with African-American, Jewish, and Italian actors, they began to focus more on societal messages instead of story lines. The entire decade was a period of social change in the United States, and the changing of movie themes was one of the many catalysts to this. The decade saw major advancements in civil rights, and a greater level of tolerance for other cultures. The world war ii movie theme gave filmmakers an opportunity to tell stories about the civil war that had previously been left untold.