A movie, also known as a movie film, short film, digital movie, video, box office hit, or short run, is an artistic work of visual art employing moving pictures to convey ideas, themes, messages, impressions, emotions, beauty, or setting. Movies are made for different reasons and with different purposes. Some movies are made for entertainment or Satirical purposes and some movies are made for serious artistic purposes. Some movies pass the moral or scrupulous limits while some movies are made for money making purposes.
Movie theaters are places where people go to watch a movie in a movie house theater or multiplexes. Movie theaters differ from other forms of theaters because their main goal is to display a series of movie screens in front of customers at a very high percentage of resolution of reflected light from the front and back glass. Movie theaters also differ in size and shape from other places like restaurants, shopping malls, and educational and cultural facilities. Movie theaters are enclosed places and often are heated or cooled in order to prevent annoying or unhealthy heat or cold air from entering or invading the theaters.
The movie theme is also important. Themes are universal and they apply to both the old and the new generation. A theme is nothing but the common thread that unites all the works of art that we observe today. A theme is something we all have in common. As an American, a theme in our society is mostly related to the American dream: the ability to achieve personal and family fulfillment. But Jack Nicholson says, “The problem with America is not the dream; it’s the fact that we forgot the dream.”
Every successful film in any genre has one defining theme that distinguishes it from its contenders. Often times the theme is revealed in the plot or by the director. But the most popular theme is the one that is integrated into the very fabric of the movie. The theme is integral to the movie. Without it, a movie is nothing but an endless array of images and thoughts put together in one sequence.
Take, for example, the theme that pervades the movie Chicago. The movie starts with a murder mystery playing out on a television set. The theme in this scene is that there are two people who must find out who committed the crime. The two characters – a tough guy named Sam (John Aston) and suzie (Ann-Margret), a beautiful blonde played by Jennifer Aniston, go head to head in a struggle to determine who is actually responsible for their respective partners’ demise.
In the end, Sam wins the fight but suzie gets her boyfriend… Although it is the theme that makes this movie an award-winning one, you would only recognize the film if you had seen the opening sequences. An example like this would be the Minority Report movie wherein the theme was identity theft and how it can affect us. However, by the time the credits rolled, you would realize that the whole theme was unnecessary.