What Is Technology?
Technology is a way of organizing the existing data and systems so that they can be accessed in an efficient and effective manner. The word technology is derived from the combining of two words, technology and science, to mean “a procedure or a method”. Technology is the total sum of all human skills, techniques, processes, and tools used in the achievement of specific goals, including scientific research, or in the manufacture of goods and services.
There are three areas in which technology is used and abused: iot/witty descriptions, systematic treatment, and systems/information technology design/implementations. The abuse and misuse of technology are most common in the case of systems/information technology design/implementations, which is often referred to as Information Technology [IT] abuse or IT misuse. Thus, systematic treatment is a term referring to methods and information used for analyzing and designing systems, whereas the use of Witty descriptions is used to describe technology that may not have anything to do with the real world.
In the context of systematic treatment, the term technology is used to refer to scientific knowledge about particular things like the universe, nature, and laws of physics. Scientific knowledge about things like these enable us to formulate rules for the behavior of objects and individuals and to predict their behavior in the future. For instance, the laws of Newtonian physics state that the speed of light is the same everywhere at the same time and at different times of observation, hence, it is considered one of the most significant laws of science.
On the other hand, Witty descriptions refer to technology that may not have anything to do with the real world, such as games and toys. These things can be considered as “spinning dust” or virtual particles that move about and interact with physical systems at a sub-atomic level. Though, this form of technology has applications in physics and astronomy, it has no bearing on the core theories of science in any case. Hence, this category is also called as abstract technology.
Conforming to the philosophy of technology, it is believed that technology supports scientific knowledge, but not as a whole. Technology is seen as something that grows and then ceases to be, like all living things. This means that technological systems can grow but not necessarily reach a state where it can be said to be able to replace scientific knowledge about specific objects, at least to some extent. Still, technology has a greater impact on the field of science because it can potentially eliminate or diminish the scope of scientific knowledge in areas where the former is still predominant.
It is very difficult to evaluate the extent of technology’s impact on the field of science. Science, by its nature, is slow and methodical, and therefore it is not possible to make a universal value judgement about technology in general. A more useful way to look at the question is to ask how technology influences the way that scientists form their ideas. This may be compared to the process by which new scientific knowledge is accumulated over time. For instance, new scientific concepts are shaped through observation and experimentation (which technology facilitates) and then refined through observations and experimentations (which technology allows).