The film ‘Leo’ starring Vijay grossed Rs 540 crore in 13 days, making it one of the biggest blockbusters of this year. It also stars Trisha, Sanjay Dutt and others in important roles. This is the second movie for director Lokesh Kanagaraj to have hit the top of the chart. He previously directed ‘Kaakha Kakha’.
The SUCCESS Academy is Nationally Ranked
The Cedar Youth City Council of SUCCESS Academy participates in local government in Cedar City and does a lot of planning and volunteering. Find out more about them in this story!
SUCCESS Student Makes College Team
This story features Nathan Wallace, a swimmer from SUCCESS Academy. He holds a truckload of school records and has worked hard on his skills. After a long time of training, Nathan made it onto the BYU swim team. This is a great story about perseverance and the rewards of hard work!
How to get a success story written
The best input for a success story is to ask for quotes already during the rollout, because it can be difficult to brainstorm after the project. It is also a good idea to lay out the theme for the success story during the rollout, because it will be easier to agree on this than later.
The “theme” of a success story often corresponds to a particular area that was emphasized during the rollout and that the customer felt was particularly important for them. This is especially important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because Google will recognize that a page talks about a specific topic consistently.