A movie, also known as a motion picture, video, digital movie, is a film made by moving images, often using still photos or moving images, of some kind to express ideas, themes, emotions, beauty, or scenery through the medium of moving pictures. Movies may be produced for a single purpose and are intended for entertainment. Movies may be made for multiple purposes and may be intended for commercial or other monetary profit. Motion pictures can either be filmed on a sound stage by a number of actors and crew members or filmed from a distance by television cameras or by a computer or some other type of camera which produces the movie in a virtual world. Movie plots generally revolve around a central character or plot-line, while the content of the movie follows a storyline of events and characters that are developed across the length of the movie.
Suzi Quatro is an aspiring actress who has a desire to be a star. One day, Suzi goes to a movie premade by a director named Jack Lemmon, where she sees her best friend, a twelve-year-old girl named Suzie, getting painted by a well-known Hollywood photographer. While she appreciates the beautiful pictures of Suzie, she expresses to the director that she would like to do something with her own talent. Her friend suggests that she get a job doing motion pictures in the south of Los Angeles, which is what Suze does for the rest of her career. When Suze’s uncle dies, Suze is devastated because she does not know how she will pay her bills.
Suze devotes her next years studying to become a journalist for a newspaper, expecting to land a job in a motion picture agency. Instead, she discovers that she must first report daily for a moving picture news bureau in San Francisco. Relocating to New York City is much more exciting to Suze, and she soon finds herself in the middle of a war between movie studios and photographers over who is going to photograph famous black and white pictures from World War II. As her job responsibilities grow, Suze’s enthusiasm for them increases as well.
In the late sixties, a young director named Richard Curtis came up with another new idea for a western comedy for Universal Studios, which would be shot in and around the California desert. This time, Suze was to be the central character. Her strong sense of humor quickly shines through as the two stories line up and the film is a huge success. Richard Curtis would go on to direct four more films that remain popular to this day.
Suze also did some voice work on several movies, and she did not feel like her talents were fully recognized. When she realized that her friendly manner and kind heart could be used for more than just telling stories on the big screen, she pursued her acting career with appearances in some more classic movies, such as The Heartbreak Kid. Although her career did not last long, it was a very important part of her filmography. She has appeared in some other big screen favorites such as Dances With Machines, Swing Vote, Meet The Parents, Pretty Woman and Finding Nemo. Her final movie to be produced by Walt Disney Company was Planes, She has also made cameos in other animated movies such as Lion King and Aladdin.
Suzie Hepburn is one of those that can be found in any movie genre. Her distinct style has made her a favorite of moviegoers everywhere. This includes all of the major motion picture genres. Her career has spanned four decades, and she has not ruled out returning to the big screen ever. One of the most interesting things about her career is the fact that, right now, she is enjoying being one of the new generation of women producing high quality movies.